Monday, June 7, 2010

barley grass in the morning

barley grass juice followed by green veggie juice
makes alice my roomie HAPPY!

if anyone knows of an organic barley grass in oz that is sweet, please let me know

nutritional info on barley grass:

A superior source of protein it provides amino acids in proportion considered ideal for humans. It is also a rich source of essential nutrients, enzymes and Chlorophyll. It contains water soluble vitamins and vitamin E as will as copious amounts of vitamin K, beta-carotine and lutein. Additionally, it is grown in mineral-rich, certified organic soil offers nearly all the minerals and trace elements we need to be healthy.

Barley and wheat grass juice has been used as a tonic and natural energy source for many years by people all over the world. Studies of its efficacy have noted its positive effects when used in ant-aging, anti-inflammatory, regeneration and cellular health therapies, and it is used in advanced healing clinics around the world.

information taken from

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